All Present and Accounted For

Incident of Misunderstanding and AWOL Situation

On March 5, 1999, in San Diego, an incident involving a junior quartermaster named Sled Dog occurred. He went AWOL (Absent Without Leave) after expressing frustration, saying "Fuck this shit" and leaving the USS Santa Fe. This was alarming as it suggested issues onboard concerning crew management and responsibility.

Analysis of the AWOL Incident

A critique meeting was convened to understand Sled Dog's actions and address operational procedures that led to his drastic decision. The meeting highlighted two perspectives: - Senior enlisted perspective: Favored disciplinary action against Sled Dog for maintaining order and discipline, especially with deployment near. - Officers' perspective: Showed empathy towards Sled Dog's situation, pointing out his intense schedule and lack of sleep due to continuous watch standing and operational duties.

Underlying Issues Revealed

Upon investigation, it was revealed that: - Sled Dog and his fellow quartermasters were operating on a port and starboard watch (six hours on, six hours off) due to an insufficient number of qualified personnel. - A supervisor who could have assisted was instead scheduled off the watch bill to remain prepared for a non-essential role during the ship’s transit.

Resolution and Leadership Reflection

Marquet chose to personally find Sled Dog at the on-base barracks, indicating that his AWOL wasn't an intent to leave Navy service but a reaction to extreme stress. In a pivotal decision, Marquet tore up the disciplinary report and extended amnesty, asking Sled Dog to return the next morning. This incident led him to: - Critically evaluate the chiefs’ handling of their roles, leading to a decision to enforce "watch bill equitability," ensuring no supervisor had lighter duties than those they supervised. - Reflect on the need for continual communication and reinforcement of leadership messages to ensure that practices align with the ship's new leadership direction.

Leadership Mechanism and Conclusion

Marquet introduced and emphasized the leadership mechanism: - Continually and Consistently Repeat the Message: This mechanism underlines the importance of repeated and consistent communication to overcome old habits and embed new leadership philosophies.

Results of Leadership Actions

  • The next day, all personnel, including Sled Dog, were accounted for, showcasing the effectiveness of the empathetic leadership approach.
  • The chapter concludes with a reflection on the ongoing challenge of changing entrenched behaviors and the crucial role of persistent leadership communication in achieving cultural change.