
Overview of Accomplishments and Achievements

During a visit from Dr. Stephen Covey aboard the USS Santa Fe, Captain David Marquet recounts the submarine's key achievements during its deployment:

  • Safe steam of forty thousand miles.
  • Nine port calls in six different countries without a single liberty incident.
  • Maintained 100% operational readiness without any impact due to repair, maintenance, personnel, or other issues.
  • Nineteen crew members reenlisted, accumulating over half a million dollars in reenlistment bonuses.
  • Awarded 22 submarine qualifications and qualified 290 individual watch stations.

Notable Improvements in Retention and Operational Stats

The retention and operational stats within the year showed significant improvement, particularly:

  • Enlisted reenlistments increased from 3 to 36.
  • Officer retention from 0% to 100%.
  • Enhancements in enlisted personnel advancing and selected for officer programs.
  • Decrease in weeks average to qualify in submarines from 45 to 38.
  • Improved assessments in areas such as engineering, training effectiveness, and medical assessment.

The Concept of "Chiefs in Charge"

The introduction of the "Chiefs in Charge" principle led to chiefs becoming more actively involved in operations. This increased responsibility and decision-making impact made the role more appealing and significantly contributed to the improved retention statistics.

Awards and Recognition

The USS Santa Fe was awarded the Arleigh Burke Fleet Trophy for showing the most improvement in battle efficiency. Captain Marquet attributes this success to the evolved leader-leader model on the submarine, which fostered greater empowerment and proactivity among the crew.

Dr. Covey's Endorsement

Dr. Stephen Covey praised the USS Santa Fe as the most empowered organization he had observed. This commendation validates the effectiveness of the leadership strategies implemented by Captain Marquet.

The Leader-Leader Model and Its Mechanisms

Captain Marquet describes the mechanisms that formed the foundation of the leader-leader model implemented aboard the USS Santa Fe, encompassing the three core areas: Control, Competence, and Clarity:

  1. Control: Includes mechanisms such as redefining the genetic code for control and empowering crew members by allowing them to state "I intend to..."
  2. Competence: Comprises mechanisms such as "Take deliberate action" and "Don't brief, certify."
  3. Clarity: Mechanisms like using immediate recognition to reinforce desired behaviors and maintaining a questioning attitude over blind obedience.

Reflective Questions and Conclusion

The chapter concludes with Captain Marquet prompting the reader to consider: - Steps toward adopting the leader-leader model. - Embracing empowered and engaged workforce strategies. - The readiness for unleashing the intellectual and creative power of their team through long-term thinking.