The Argument From Authority

Misconception vs. Truth

You are more concerned with the validity of information than the person delivering it.

The status and credentials of an individual greatly influence your perception of that individual’s message.

Influence of Authority

  • People naturally defer to those with perceived expertise, such as professors and professionals, particularly in their domains of study.
  • Expert Opinion vs. Personal Opinion: While experts in specific fields are generally reliable, their opinions outside their expertise should be scrutinized just like anyone else's.
  • Logical Fallacy: Trusting information solely based on the authority of the person delivering it, rather than the evidence, is the argument from authority fallacy.

Case Study: Lobotomies and Walter Freeman

  • Walter Freeman: Won the 1949 Nobel Prize for his work on lobotomies, a procedure later condemned as barbaric.
  • Authority Unquestioned: Freeman’s methods went largely unchallenged due to his status, resulting in widespread and damaging practices.
  • Science Course-Correction: Eventually, scientific scrutiny revealed the procedure's lack of medical necessity, and Freeman's deligense was revoked.

Modern Science and Authority

  • Guarding Against Authority Bias: Modern science focuses on evidence over individual prestige to prevent past mistakes.
  • Consensus vs. Controversy: Trust in scientific consensus is usually warranted, but individual claims from authority figures should be critically evaluated.

Practical Implications

  • Evaluate claims based on evidence rather than the status of the individual presenting them.
  • Be particularly skeptical of celebrity endorsements and authority figures speaking outside their expertise.
  • Understand that questioning authority is a fundamental part of scientific and critical practice to avoid erroneous conclusions based on prestige.